LocationsLocationsSomerville,MAMarlborough,MA Mon - Thu: 9AM - 6PM - Fri: 9AM - 4PM (617) 591-2111 Mon - Thu: 9AM - 6PM | Fri: 9AM - 4PM (617) 591-2111 Mon - Thu: 9AM - 5PM | Fri: 9AM - 4PM(978) 775-1440
LocationsLocationsSomerville,MAMarlborough,MA Mon - Thu: 9AM - 6PM - Fri: 9AM - 4PM (617) 591-2111 Mon - Thu: 9AM - 6PM | Fri: 9AM - 4PM (617) 591-2111 Mon - Thu: 9AM - 5PM | Fri: 9AM - 4PM(978) 775-1440
Come See Us! Our Locations:
Somerville, MA - Marlborough, MA
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These can offer a major tax benefit. You can set up a plan for your business (we can help); you can contribute to IRAs, Roth IRAs, and SEPs. Some plan contributions need to be made by April 15, like IRA plans.  Other plans like SEPs and profit sharing type plans can have contributions made as late...
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If you itemize your deductions you get to deduct medical expenses subject to limitations based upon your AGI. You generally think of physician, dentist, and prescription expenses. But you also get to deduct medical appliances as well as a portion of assisted living expenses and nursing home charges. Also, medical expenses are deductible in full for...
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